A Culture Strong company.
Empowers leaders to make informed decisions, colleagues to be encouraged, and individuals to realize just how important they are in the overall scheme of life.
The Sustainable Solution
The answer to creating a great company culture isn’t found in a new mission statement, additional corporate retreats, more employee benefits, or even higher pay. Although; indeed perks, without creating a Culture Strong company you’re doomed to carrying a burden too large for any one person.
The Culture Strong Structure
Beyond the excellent individual development tools found in the pages of our Culture Strong Planner, we also focus on corporate development through three meeting types:
10:10 Meetings | 20/20 Meetings | 30/30 Meetings
10:10 Meetings
One of my favorite books is Love Does written by attorney Bob Goff. In chapter one Bob writes about a guy named Randy who had a profound impact on Bob’s life. It’s not because Randy was totally cool, which he was, but because Randy was totally in. Randy’s mission was; as Bob writes, “finding out who I was and what I was about”. His mission, in part, inspired the concept of 10:10 Meetings.
10:10 Meetings are one-on-one casual meetings between you and a direct report. Your agenda will be the same as Randy’s; finding out who they are and what they are about. After each meeting take a moment to jot down something positive you observed about your colleague on the 10:10 Meeting Log found in your Culture Strong Planner.
Over time the two of you will begin to see the person rather than just the position.
20/20 Meetings
Have you ever seen a Snellen Chart? It’s the eye chart in a doctor’s office that reveals if you are able to see things the typical person sees at 20′. The good news is, if you have 20/40 vision; meaning you can’t see things at 40′ a typical person can, then it’s time for glasses (and an end to your frustrations).
Well, goals are like eye glasses; when right, they are an end to your frustrations. At first they can be a little aggravating and always need some adjusting. But once we accept the fact that we need them to see, we’re more apt to pick them up and wear them well. The funny thing about goals/glasses is that we need them to be in front of us at all times. That is why we created the Culture Strong Planner.
20/20 Meetings are just like 10:10 Meetings but with a gift, the Culture Strong Planner along with the encouragement to dream. As far as goals go, we recommend you share your goals with one another so each can see where his/her goals fit into the big picture. Warning: do your best not to turn you time together into a progress report. Corporate progress is easily tracked through everyday production reports, thus shouldn’t be a part of your 20/20 Meetings.
30/30 Meetings
Muhammad Yunus won the Nobel Peace Prize for founding Grameen Bank and pioneering the concept of microcredit and microfinance. The backbone to its success is what we call social collateral. Social collateral is what makes people accountable to others in their same class and ensures that loans are repaid when there is no physical collateral.
How does social collateral work? It works by grouping people together and holding the group responsible for the full loan amount rather than the individual.
Goals are like loans. We set them and they affect the well-being of the individual, as well as, the group. When one suffers, we all suffer and when one succeeds, we all succeed. Thus we come together as a group and figure out how to accomplish goals. These group meetings are called 30/30 Meetings.
How do 30/30 Meetings work? The group comes together weekly to talk about goals: implementation, progress, and adjustments. Some meetings are work whereas others resemble rest. Ultimately all become both.