Culture STRONG!


Becoming Culture STRONG is not about mission statements, employee events, increasing benefits, or paying people more money.  Becoming Culture STRONG is about providing a pathway for people to become your company’s strongest assets.

Strong Company Culture

Not every company is in a position to hire us, however, any company can start becoming Culture STRONG by taking the Culture STRONG Challenge, its FREE!  Simply incorporate the challenge, measure its results, and report them back to our office.  Then sit back and watch your company become Culture STRONG all on its own!

The 2019 Culture STRONG awards will be presented at various venues: NAHB’s 2020 IBS, SMA’s 2020 Best Home Building Practice Summit, and Builder Partnerships 15th Annual Networking Reception.  If you are not associated with any of these great organizations then arrangements will be made for your company to receive its award.

Simply email us and we will reply with the Culture STRONG Challenge.

Good luck!

Jack Nulty, president & CEO, Culture STRONG Consulting email