The Culture Strong Challenge

One of my favorite movies is Remember The Titans staring Denzel Washington as coach Herman Boone. Very early in the movie things are going horribly wrong so coach Boone issues a challenge. It wasn’t received well, but they did it anyway to avoid more three-a-day practices & the threat of four-a-days. Who wouldn’t?!

Ultimately, Coach Boone’s challenge turns everything around which is why we Remember The Titans. (link to scene)

Accepting The Culture Strong Challenge will turn everything around for your business, and your people! Here is how it works:

Step 1: Commit to meeting a few minutes each week with each of your direct reports for the next 30 days. During your time together, work on getting to know something about each person: likes, dislikes, hobby, family;anything – it doesn’t matter! Then make a note of it after each meeting.

Step 2: After 30 days, ask each direct report who has a direct report of their own to do likewise for the next 30 days. All the while, you keep meeting with them but now turn the conversation toward what they are learning about their direct reports. Also, do something nice for your direct report based on one thing you learned about them in previous meetings. For example, ask about how it’s going with X, or bring them a favorite drink from X, or whatever.

Step 3: If your company has three levels or more, continue through every level.

Step 4: Chart your meetings. Compare the actual number of meetings held to the total number of meetings that should have been held. If your organization completes 80% or better, then let us know and your company will win a 2022 Culture Strong Company of The Year Award.