Discover Your Perfect Work Week – 3 Simple Steps!

The first thing most people do when receiving a new planner is add their appointments – which is totally fine. However, we would caution you to take a different approach, otherwise you might miss a major step toward what makes the Culture Strong Planner unique & empowering!

Step 1: Open your planner to the pages labeled: “What would your perfect week look like?” and “What would your perfect routine look like?” then begin thinking about what that week would look like if you had total control to schedule, prepare, and debrief every event. Also, think about all the things you do before your work day, as well as, after work ends. This is your routine. *** Scroll down to Step 2 before you start writing ***

Here is what my perfect work week currently looks like:

Step 2: Turn back a few pages in you new Culture Strong Planner to a page labeled 20/20 Detail Sheet and begin to map your vision. Start by:

  • Identifying the type of goal this is: “P” for personal, “W” for work, or “H” for habit. In this case your goal is both “P” and “W”.
  • Secondly, identify the goal by giving it a #. For example if this is the first goal your detailing, then number it “1”.
  • Third, skip the Major Milestones section until you complete the remainder of the form.
  • Next, develop your vision statement. Follow our formula of: “Do X for Y by Z”.
  • From there, work down the form section by section.
  • Finally, move up to the top right corner of the form and list four Major Milestones.

You could just copy this example and go to town…

Step 3: Celebrate!