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I believe the #1 Reason people keep their email open all day is because they don’t value who they are & what it takes to do their work well.

This is why, at Culture Strong, we ask you to detail your perfect work week & your perfect routine using the Culture Strong Planner. Doing this simple task will make it easy to uncover your value & what it takes to do your work well. It will also empower you to disconnect more often from unproductive habits, like email.

Funny story! My granddaughter is 12 going on 20. She doesn’t like boys yet, but I can see them on her horizon. So, I’ve taught her the perfect breakup line, “It’s not me, it’s you!”

A friend of mine came over to visit and I asked my granddaughter to try out her new line on him; she executed it perfectly! Afterwards she said she can’t wait to get a boyfriend so she can breakup with him. That’s my girl!

A strong culture will bring you the confidence to break up with unproductive habits. WooWho!